Aaron McCallum

The Signal Sensei

Aaron McCallum.

Aaron McCallum


Before joining Primo, Aaron was on an exhilarating journey as the owner of Paper Plus Hawera.

However, his adventurous spirit and desire to get into the outdoors led him to trade ink and toner for the internet and technology as a Primo installer.

When he’s not busy crafting connections in the digital realm, Aaron is a devoted fam bam man with an unstoppable team of 5 sons and a partner in crime, Jen.

Aaron loves to revel in the outdoors tramping, mountain biking and capturing moments through the lens of a camera.

Joshua Cook

The Gigabit Gladiator

Joshua Cook.

Joshua Cook

The Gigabit Gladiator.

Joshua Cook is one of the specialised generalists that Primo has to install its wireless internet around Taranaki. 

He has a mix of good practical trade skills, coupled with the IT networking and programming skills he picked up through eCampus and LinkedIn Learning. 

Stratford born and raised, Josh joined Primo in March, 2022, after working for 10 years at ANZCO Goods in Eltham.  

Apart from the IT training, he also had some electrical work experience, which is also handy in working out how to get cables, and signals, into a house and through to the router. 

He enjoys hitting the roads and getting to some of the more remote, beautiful places. Places few Taranakians see! 

James Crofskey

The Broadband Bogan

James Crofskey.

James Crofskey

The Broadband Bogan.

Having worked in the electrical industry for over 10 years James brings with him valuable essential skills for connecting Taranaki residents to our very own rural wireless network.

Starting just prior to the great Covid-19 lockdown of 2020 James says he is blessed to be working for Primo in the city he grew up in and the views he sees every day around the mountain are amazing. 

He couldn’t ask for a better place to work! Primo for life!

If not working for Primo, James aspires to have a TV show as a singing chef – mmm we might have a new taker for our annual Primo staff cook off!

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