Egmont Village Residential Fibre Plans

Egmont Village Residential Fibre Plans

Ultra-Fast Fibre is available exclusively with Primo.
Primo owns the fibre optic network in Egmont Village so that you have access to faster, reliable internet!
Increase your broadband speed and productivity with our Ultra-Fast broadband!

Do more online at the same time. Work, play, stream and download without waiting around! Free technical support from our local, friendly team.

We provide a router and will connect you for FREE with all new 12 month signups!

+ Bundle with a Primo Mobile plan and save $10 every month on your broadband connection!
(Not available on Fibre Starter Plan)

+ Add a Primo Home Phone for only $10 every month!

Installation Info

12 month contract

Free connection.

Primo supported router included.*

Early disconnection fee of $149 applies.

Open term / No contract

Free connection.

Purchase Primo router for $149.

Primo router rental for $5/mth or BYO router.

Moving house? Contact our Customer Success Team for further information about reconnecting.

Primo provides free technical and fault finding support for all on-contract terms and Primo supplied gear, however where a fault is found to have been caused by the customer, and/or a technician is called to site, we reserve the right to charge for the call out and any equipment replaced.

Router courier fee $20 or picked up from our office.

*Post contract – Primo router rental $5/mth or buy out remainder of router $89 or re-sign new 12 month contract.

Phase 1 was completed in 2023, Phase 2 was completed in 2024 and Phase 3 is underway NOW in 2025.

Installation & Consent Process

What to expect.

Laying fibre in your street.

Properties in Phases 1 and 2 are fibre ready. Contact us to book your install and provide consent for the works to be completed.

Residents in the Phase 3 fibre build area will receive information from us in due course, letting them know about the fibre build, the timeframe and how to register for their own fibre installation.

Our contractor, Subterrain Drilling, will use, where they can, existing underground pipes. They may need to dig or drill along the street to install ducting which we use to blow the fibre through to connect your property. This work also involves installing roadside cabinets.

Laying fibre from your street boundary to your house.

Once you have registered and signed the Build Consent form, your install job is given to Subterrain Drilling. Standard install costs are covered by Primo except where you may have a long driveway (more than 100m) or want a secondary connections, in these cases a quote will be provided to you for the work.

Suberrain will contact you when they are about to do the work. You don’t need to be home, but it is preferable that you are. If you aren’t they will need to reach you by phone so they can then discuss the install plan with you. They will be installing underground either by directional drilling or digging a small trench. Many properties have existing telecommunications ducting which they will try to use if available.

An External Termination Point (ETP) is installed to the outside of your house, at the closest point to the road and the street boundary entry point.

This can sometimes be a messy business, and they'll do their best to clean up after themselves. Please note that full reinstatement of your property is not likely to be done on the same day, they will come back to do it. Properties are usually grouped on the same street ie those that need grass seeded, or concrete etc.

Getting your Fibre connection online.

The last stages to get you connected involve our Primo technicians. The External Termination Point (ETP) houses the Optical Network Terminal (ONT) and the internal router placement.

First, they will blow the fibre from our cabinet to your ETP using compressed air, you will not need to be home when this is done.

Secondly, we will need to do the internal cabling from the ONT to the point inside your house where your router will be located. Depending on how your house is built, cabling will either be run under the floor or in the ceiling. You will need to be home for this, and we will schedule an appointment with you. Your Primo router will be set up at this visit, and our technicians will test the fibre service to ensure it's up and running.

If you are an existing wireless customer with Primo, we will also remove our radio from your roof. Note, that these stages may or may not be done on the same day.

To download more information on the installation process, including some photos, Click here for a PDF

To download the Install and Consent Form Click here for the PDF form


Register your interest in getting fibre connected to your place.

    Your Full Name *

    Your email *

    Phone Number *

    Home or Business Connection


    Full Physical Address*

    The plan I'm interested in is

    By clicking Register, you will be sent an email to the address you entered above, it contains a link to the Primo Fibre Install Consent form.

    Please complete the consent form and submit as soon as possible to our Customer Success Team.

    © 2025 Primo. All rights reserved.