Legal Stuff (T&C)

Primo Terms and Conditions.

Standard Terms and ConditionsMobile T & CPromotions T & CPrimo Privacy Policy

PrimoWireless Ltd (Primo) Standard Terms and Conditions

Along with the following, Primo’s terms and conditions also includes details and information contained herewith on this website.

1. Intro...

1.1 PrimoWireless Ltd (Primo) is the supplier of broadband internet and other services like satellite, RBI, VOIP etc to rural and other communities, businesses etc.

1.2 These STC’s apply to all services supplied by Primo and therefore once supplied, these STC’s are agreed to by the Customer (you).

1.3 A copy of our current terms is displayed on our website. We may change these STC by changing or removing existing terms or adding new ones. It is your responsibility to check these STC regularly for any modifications or updates.

1.4 Because we’re good guys we will always tell you about any changes by publishing these on our website or by emailing you. Your continued use of our Services after changes have been notified to you indicates your acceptance of those changes.

1.5 If there are any fishhooks in the new STC’s we will provide you where possible at least 10 business days notice and wherever possible at least one months notice of these changes before they come into effect. If acting reasonably you consider that the change has a negative impact on your use of our Services you can exercise your right to terminate these Terms.

2. What you agree to do...

2.1 Be nice!

2.2 Pay your monthly in advance invoice on time. That’s helpful and pertains to clause 2.1. If you don’t a late fee will be charged on overdue accounts. You also agree to pay any additional costs in recovering the debt if you don’t pay us. This includes all costs incurred by debt collectors. We reserve the right to suspend services on overdue accounts see clause 5.1.

2.3 Be aware that you’re responsible at all times for any use of the services you’ve subscribed to, keep it lawful and don’t be a nuisance to anyone!

2.4 That you keep confidential the secret stuff about your Primo account. If someone piggy backs onto your account after they find out your password etc, then you’re responsible for paying the bill. Ouch!

2.5 You’ll also agree to change your password if we ask you to.

2.6 You need to take your e-mails off the mail server, that means download them on a regular basis to keep your files on the server to less than 10MB. We can charge you for more space if you want but may remove the data if it is in excess of 20MB if you haven’t organised this prior.

2.7 You’ll respect the privacy of other users like you would want other users to respect yours.

2.8 Keep your virus protection up to date.

2.9 Give us 30 days notice of termination if you decide to leave, subject of course to clause 2.11 if applicable.

2.10 You agree to allow us access onto your property at a reasonable time to repossess our equipment if you don’t want it anymore or if you haven’t paid the bill; refer clause 2.2 (and 2.1!).

2.11 If you have signed up on a minimum time contract, you’re getting a good deal. So, if you decide to change mid way through the contract term, you need to pay us the disconnection fee or the remainder of the term as agreed – it’s only fair. If you don’t pay us, then you also agree to pay any additional costs in recovering the debt. This includes all costs incurred by debt collectors in getting the overdue invoice paid.

2.12 If you move house and Primo is unable to provide a connection at the new property, you will need to
request a termination. Any applicable notice periods and disconnection fees shall apply.

3. What you agree NOT to do…

3.1 You won’t do illegal stuff like copyright violation such as pictures and software unless you get the permission of the dudes who own it. Just don’t break any laws!

3.2 You won’t assign your rights over to anyone else under these terms without our written consent. You’ve signed up with us so we’ll deal with you. We can assign our rights though but we’ll let you know if we’re doing that.

3.3 You won’t send multiple unsolicited e-mails to large numbers of people which includes advertising etc. That’s not being nice…you know clause 2.1.

3.4 You won’t on-sell our services to anyone else unless we agree in writing.

3.5 Cause the introduction of harmful stuff like viruses to anyone else. Yuk and also nooooot very popular!

4. What we’ll do…

4.1 Be really nice! We are anyway.. If you think we aren’t playing fair refer to clause 20.

4.2 Utilise our best endeavours to make all services for you available 24 hours where reasonable. An unreasonable situation would be if hot molten lava was pouring through our front door, but by then we figure you wouldn’t be at your desk either!

4.3 However if the system goes down and it is your fault then we may charge you for it. You shouldn’t be touching our stuff.

4.4 If lava does pour through the front door or in another situation where our services go down, Force Majeure (clause 17) would operate in this case we’ll take all reasonable measures to get it back up again as soon as reasonably possible, though we won’t take any liability for any consequential loss, our liability being limited to the value of your service provided.

4.5 We’ll keep an eye on your usage of the system for the purpose of ensuring that you’re using the system in accordance with our STC’s.

4.6 We’ll invoice you monthly and send those invoices by e-mail. If there’s a problem with the invoice, you need to let us know before due date.

4.7 Sorry, but if you’re on a full speed plan we’ll also invoice you for additional broadband usage over and above your broadband plan. If you are on a capped plan, you won’t be charged extra but we will slow you down. Any unused broadband usage also won’t be carried through to the next billable month.

4.8 We’ll work to give you the fastest speeds available. Our advertised speeds are based on a theoretical maximum, and actual speeds can be affected by many things including NZ and overseas networks, your router and computer technology, internal wiring and other environmental factors.

4.9 We’ll deliver those e-mails of yours where this is reasonably possible, as opposed to unreasonably possible like that lava event, Tsunami’s, a lack of electricity; you know, that kind of thing.

4.10 Let you know on our website and by email if there are any changes to pricing and stuff. We will give you at least 10 days notice and wherever possible at least one months notice of these changes. Because we’re good guys our pricing is fixed for the duration of your contract except where there is a price decrease – in that case you’ll pay less! Pricing or plan changes will apply from the calendar month following the change.

4.11 We’ll keep all your details confidential with us.

5. The big stick…

5.1 We reserve the right to suspend or terminate any, or all services that you’ve subscribed to if you are a bad boy/girl and violate any of our STC’s (which you’ve agreed to by taking on our services). Primo will define the violation whether intentional or unintentional. This includes non-payment of charges, abusive, offensive or inappropriate behaviours directed towards us or anyone acting on our behalf. As well as, if you make multiple complaints without reasonable basis for doing so, and you continue to make complaints without any reasonable basis after we have requested you to stop. We’ll come and get our stuff too and depending on the severity might even charge you for the equipment recovery and any other charges incurred. Follow this link to review our non-payment process.

6. Credit check

6.1 If you are applying for a Service where we will bill you after you have used that Service, you agree that as part of the application process we can check your credit status with any credit reference agency. We may also conduct further credit checks while you remain a customer with us. We may pass on credit information about you to any credit reference agency at any time.

6.2 If we are not satisfied with the information provided by the credit reference agency, we may: decline your application for the Service; provide a restricted Service; or ask for a non-interest bearing security deposit and/or impose other conditions on your Service (including a mandatory payment method or credit limit).

6.3 Subject to any legal requirement under the Privacy Act to disclose personal information to you, we do not have to disclose our credit criteria or the reasons for our decision to you.

6.4 If you are not satisfied with the information provided by the credit reference agency, you will need to contact them directly.

7. Stuff (that’s Primo’s equipment) on your property…

7.1 We refer to “Stuff” in these STC’s. “Stuff” means all Primo’s equipment whether installed on your house, outhouse or where ever and includes our Access Point sites.

7.2 We’ll need to fix some stuff onto your house (which you confirm you have the authority to allow us to do this) in order for you to get broadband which you fully agree to happen ‘cause you want really fast broadband. We aren’t obliged to run cabling within the wall cavities when we’re installing our “stuff”. This might well be extra and you’ll have to pay this to us or the contractor who’s installing the cabling.

7.3 That “stuff” remains the property of Primo and the rental of the property is covered in the installation fee or the monthly rental fee whichever option you’ve elected to use. Returnable stuff ie routers, modems, UPS etc will be charged on disconnection but credited back on its return.

7.4 You agree to leave the Primo stuff alone.

8. Access Point Site Owners (APSO)

8.1 As an APSO, you confirm that you have the necessary authority to authorise Primo to install a Primo’s Access Point site on your property whether owned or leased.

8.2 You agree to unreservedly allow us 24/7 access to our equipment.

8.3 You acknowledge that Primo’s Access Point equipment remains the property of Primo.

8.4 As part of the beneficial deal struck between Primo and you, you agree to supply power and security to the site and won’t touch it as it could stuff up the network!

8.5 If you don’t want the AP site on your property (why wouldn’t you?), then unless agreed otherwise you need to give us a minimum of 90 days notice of termination. And we’ll do the same for you if we decide to shift the AP site.

9. Intellectual Property (IP)

9.1 Primo owns all the IP related to our equipment and/or service.

10. Ultrafast Fibre (UFB)

10.1 As well as agreeing to our Terms and Conditions you also agree that you will be bound by Tuatahi First Fibre Ltd (TFF) End User Terms. These relate to the provision, installation and use of the TFF network which is located on your property. You sign these at the time of connection, these terms can also be found here

11. VOIP specific (if applicable)

11.1 In the event that the Primo service fails to operate and the customer diverts traffic to another carrier, Primo will not be responsible for that carrier’s charges.

11.2 Neither party shall be liable to the other in contract, tort or otherwise for any loss of business, contracts, anticipated savings or profits or for any other indirect or consequential loss whatsoever provided however nothing shall exclude or limit liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence.

11.3 You hereby represent and warrant that you are not reliant on Primo to provide 111 or any other emergency services.

11.4 Any credit on your account not used within 365 days from the date of your credit being paid to your account shall expire and is not refundable.

11.5 Contracts, charges and set up costs will be discussed on connection.

12. Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI)

12.1 The host network used by Primo RBI services is provided by One NZ, the “network provider”.

12.2 You, the customer consent to the sharing of your information by Primo with the network provider for the purpose of complying with any fraud investigation co-operation or emergency response services.

12.3 You, the customer agree that the network provider does not provide, grant or confer any benefit, right or privilege to you as a customer of Primo.

12.4 That these terms exclude all liability of the network provider and its group and personnel arising from, or in connection with Primo RBI services.

12.5 The network provider may at any time deactivate any service numbers of a Primo RBI customer if;

• There has been fraud or illegal activity in their use of the RBI service.
• Any modem, SIM card or other equipment of the customer is causing interference with the network.
• The network provider believes or suspects the customer is jeopardising the operation and quality of the network or services it supplies to its own users.
• The network provider is required or instructed to do so by a governmental agency or governmental authority.

12.6 Enhanced Plans

• Are limited to 15 end users per Transmission site.

• The network providers Fair Use Policy applies and if excessive or unreasonable usage continues after a request to stop or alter, the network provider, may without further notice, suspend, modify, or restrict that customer’s use of the service or withdraw it completely.

12.7 Peak data usage is between 6am and midnight, and off peak is from midnight to 6am the following day.

12.8 Data usage

• The network provider measures your usage in 10KB blocks, rounded upwards at the end of a data session or every 20 minutes, whichever comes first. For this reason your Primo Portal usage may differ slightly at time of billing.
• Outside of your data cap is charged at a per MB rate, so if you go over your data allowance by 20KB you’ll be charged for the full MB.
• Any unused data within a monthly plan will not be carried forward to the following month.

12.9 The Primo modem contains a SIM card. You may not use this SIM card in any other device. It remains our property and you must return it to Primo on request.

12.10 Early disconnection fee of $379 if cancelled in the first 12 months, and $189 thereafter (GST inclusive Residential, ex GST for Business).

13. Satellite (if applicable)

13.1 You agree that Primo is not liable for any loss of any nature caused by satellite failure.

14. Insurance

14.1 You’re liable for any loss (fire, theft or damage) of the Primo equipment during the term of the contract and whilst it is in your possession. It’s your responsibility to have insurance cover against potential liability under this clause if you elect to do so.

15. Consumer protection legislation

15.1 As a consumer, it is important that you understand that any rights you may have, or obligations we may have to you, under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act 1986 apply alongside these Terms, and are not impacted by anything in these Terms.

15.2 If you are using our Services for business purposes as defined in the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 you acknowledge that the provisions of that Act do not apply to the Services we are providing to you under this agreement.

16. Liability

16.1 Your liability to us:

• you accept your liability to us for breach of contract or negligence, and
• you are not liable for any loss to the extent that it is caused by us (for example, through our breach of contract or negligence).

16.2 Our liability to you:

• We accept our liability to you for breach of contract or negligence, and, subject to clause 14, for our breach of consumer protection laws, such as the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act 1986.
• We are not liable for any loss that is caused by you (for example, through your breach of contract or negligence).

16.3 Primo, its supplier or resellers are not liable to you or any other person for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages including but not limited to, loss of business or anticipated business or anticipated profits or savings, revenue, goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any other commercial damages even if Primo shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages or for any claim by any other party. Phew!

16.4 You may become aware that you have suffered loss before we do. If you suffer any loss as a result of this agreement, you agree to take reasonable steps to avoid or minimise your loss and that we are not liable for any loss that results from your failure to take reasonable steps to do so.

17. Force Majeure

17.1 Neither party shall be liable in damages or have the right to terminate this Agreement for any delay or default in performing their obligations if such delay or default is caused by conditions beyond its control including, but not limited to Acts of God, Government restrictions (including the denial or cancellation of any necessary license), wars, insurrections and/or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the party whose performance is affected.

18. Romalpa Clause

18.1 If you happen to buy some stuff from Primo outright rather than rent it, title to this kind of stuff shall remain with Primo and shall not pass to you until the full price has been paid to and received by Primo. Until title passes Primo will have the authority through its agents and employees to retake, sell and otherwise dispose or reuse any part of the stuff by entering your or the property where the stuff is installed or reasonably believed to be so installed for the purposes of removal of the stuff.

19. Fair Use Policy

19.1 It is important to primo that all eligible Primo customers are able to access our services, and get the best possible experience. For this reason, and to ensure the provision of a quality service, a Fair Use Policy applies to some of our services where your usage can affect that of other customers. We have developed this Fair Use Policy by reference to average member profiles and estimated member use of our services.

19.2 We may issue a warning or suspend your services under this Fair Use Policy where in our reasonable opinion your use of our services is excessive and/or unreasonable by materially exceeding estimated usage patterns over any month. Where reasonable, Primo will provide you with 30 days notice before suspension, restriction or termination.

19.3 If, after we have requested that you stop or alter your use to come within our Fair Use Policy, your excessive or unreasonable use continues, we may after providing written notice, apply charges to your account for the excessive and/or unreasonable element of your use; suspend, modify or restrict your use of our services or withdraw your access to the services. If we terminate your services and you have agreed to a fixed contract term, you may have to pay the applicable early termination fee.

19.4 Bandwidth allocated to unlimited internet users is reviewed and increased as required, but at any time there is a fixed amount of bandwidth available. The aim of this clause of the Fair Use Policy is to ensure that the experience of the vast majority of unlimited internet users is not compromised by the extreme and unreasonable usage of a few. Primo reserves the right to modify (through speed and other variables) the behaviour of individual users that frequently use significantly more data than the majority of the unlimited users and/or use their internet service in a way that negatively affects the experience of other users. If an unlimited internet customer is found to be in the top 1% to 5% of users and their usage is negatively impacting the network, Primo may attempt to communicate with the user asking them to modify their usage, may suggest a more suitable solution for all parties involved, or may exercise its rights outlined in clause 19.2 above.

19.5 You acknowledge that Primo does not and cannot in any way supervise, edit or control the content and form of any information or data accessed through the internet, and Primo shall not be held responsible in any way for any content or information accessed via the service. Furthermore, Primo disclaims all or any responsibility or liability for any material on the internet that you may find offensive, upsetting, defamatory, and personally offensive and in any way unsuitable for minors.

19.6 You are not permitted to operate servers from the service and you are not permitted to on-sell this service without written approval from us. You are not permitted to send spam or bulk mail using the service and we reserve the right to charge you a clean-up fee to rectify the result of such activity by you at a maximum charge of $200 per article.

20. Disputes

20.1 Please talk to us first! Give us the opportunity to make it right. Follow The link below for our Complaints Policy & Procedure, and a feedback form to contact us directly.

Primo Customer Care

20.2 If you still feel hard done by, another option is you can contact Telecommunication Dispute Resolution (TDR)

For a printable and downloadable PDF version of these terms and conditions Click here

Primo Mobile Terms

These terms and conditions may change from time to time. Primo’s standard Terms and conditions shall also apply.

1. About
If you take any Mobile Services with us, these terms and conditions will apply in addition to Primo’s standard terms and conditions. Other terms and conditions may also apply to the Mobile Services you choose, including Plan and offer terms and conditions.
2. Term
2.1 On Account Services:

Fixed Term: If you have signed up for a fixed contract term, you agree to receive the On Account Service(s) for at least the length of that fixed period. After the fixed period, we will provide the On Account Service(s) to you on a month by month basis until they are cancelled in accordance with this Agreement. You agree to pay an early termination charge or transfer fee if you terminate the On Account Service, change to another Plan, or sign up for a new fixed term on your current Plan before the end of the fixed term. Your fixed contract term will start from the date your On Account Service is connected, or from the date your connection is activated when switching your phone number from Prepay to On Account.

Open Term: If you have not signed up for a fixed contract term, we will provide the On Account Services to you on a month by month basis until they are cancelled in accordance with this Agreement.

3. Mobile Coverage and Services
3.1 The quality and coverage of the Mobile Services depends partly on your mobile device and partly on the Network.

3.2 Coverage and Mobile Services can be adversely affected by radio interference, atmospheric conditions, geographic factors, Network congestion, maintenance, outages on other networks and provider sites, the configuration or limitations on your, or your intended recipient’s mobile device, or other operational and technical difficulties which mean that you may not receive some or all of the Mobile Services in certain areas or at certain times.

3.3 Coverage and Mobile Services may also change with Network expansion or reconfiguration.

3.4 The mobile network operator reserves the right to prioritise specific types of traffic over other traffic at times of congestion (and for limited time periods) where they consider there will be significant customer interest in the specific type of traffic and these actions are necessary to ensure customers receive an acceptable experience.

3.5 Voice messaging is part of the Mobile Services we provide. You are responsible for changing the PIN from the present number and setting your own PIN for the Voicemail service. You are responsible for all access into and out of the Voicemail service. We may limit the number and duration of messages that can be left on your Voicemail service. You are also responsible for setting your own password for access to any email services made available to you through the Mobile Services.

3.6 You acknowledge that we do not support third party Voice over Internet Protocol (“VoIP”) and that we can provide no assurance that currently available access levels may be maintained.

3.7 We can require you to stop using any SIM card or mobile device immediately if we believe you have used it to spam others or if it is not approved by us for use on the Network or in connection with any of our Mobile Services.

3.8 You must not use any mobile device which masks or in any way alters the true origination of any call or other transmission.

3.9 (Calling 0900 numbers currently unavailable) When you are connected to our Mobile Services, your connection may have been programmed so that you are restricted from making certain calls. Eg. 0900 numbers can be used by scams, and if used inappropriately, can cause excessive call costs, Primo safeguards customers by turning this off.  If you would like to have the restriction removed, you should contact our Helpdesk.


3.10 Features, and access to content on Mobile Services may vary between mobile devices, and we cannot guarantee your device supports all our Mobile Services.

4. Roaming
4.1 You may be able to use your Mobile Services in other countries. We call this “roaming”.

4.2 For a list of eligible Plans, countries in which you can use roaming services, and our roaming charges, please see The On Account Roaming Terms and Conditions will also apply.

4.3 The terms and conditions on which you may use overseas networks will depend on the country you are visiting. The terms and conditions of those overseas network operators will apply in addition to ours. You may also incur charges directly from the overseas network operator in addition to our Charges.

4.4 Your ability to use roaming services may be subject to you meeting our credit criteria. A set-up fee may apply. We may also ask you to pay a non-interest bearing deposit or impose a credit limit or other restrictions.

4.5 These terms and conditions may change from time to time. Primo’s standard terms and conditions shall also apply.

5. Security
5.1 You must keep your mobile device and SIM card secure at all times. We recommend that you use a PIN and other access code features provided with your mobile device, the SIM card or the Mobile Services to ensure that only you are able to access and use the Mobile Services.

5.2 If you are using a PIN on your mobile device and the PIN is entered incorrectly three times in a row, the SIM card will automatically block. To unblock the SIM card you will need the PUK (Personal Unlocking Code), which you can get in the desktop version of My One NZ. You will be required to answer some security questions first. Entering the incorrect PUK code 10 times will permanently block the SIM and you will not be able to retrieve information stored on the SIM card (such as phone numbers and TXT messages). You will then be required to purchase a new SIM card which comes with a new PUK code.

5.3 If your mobile device or SIM card is lost or stolen, you must contact our Helpdesk immediately so that we can prevent the Mobile Services from being used. This is important as you will be responsible for paying all Charges up until the time you let us know about the loss or theft, (or will lose any Prepay credit used). We may charge you a replacement fee for a new SIM card.

5.4 We will not be responsible for any loss you suffer as a result of the loss, theft, damage to, or unauthorised use of your mobile device or SIM card.

5.5 We will not be responsible for any harm you suffer from a virus or other manipulating programme which infiltrates your mobile device, whether it was transmitted via the Mobile Services or otherwise.

5.6 Some services are available via the internet or other systems operated by third parties and, although we will try to maintain the security of information, we cannot guarantee that information you receive or supply when using the service will be secure at all times. You acknowledge that we are unable to exercise control over, and make no representations or warranties concerning, the security or content of information passing over our Network, any systems operated by third parties and the internet.

6. SIM card
6.1 Any Primo SIM card provided to you will remain our property. You must return it to us in good condition when your Mobile Services end if we ask you to do so.

6.2 The SIM card can only be used for Mobile Services and must not be used in machine to machine equipment.

6.3 You are responsible for all Charges and for calls made using the SIM card issued to you until we deactivate the SIM card. Removing the SIM card from your mobile device will not deactivate the SIM card.

7. Calling and TXT messages

7.1 There is a one minute minimum charge for calls. All calls are rounded up and charged by the minute unless we tell you otherwise (e.g. if your call was for 1 minute and 40 seconds, you will be charged for 2 minutes).

7.2 If you call a 0900, calling card access number, audio conference or any other special number you will be charged the rate as published by the telecommunications service provider of that phone number, plus for special numbers, your normal calling rate.

7.3 Calls are charged at the rate which is applicable when the call is started.

7.4 It is your responsibility to check what telecommunications service provider a particular number is with (i.e. whether an 021 number is with One NZ). You can do this by TXTing the number to 300 (TXTs are free).

7.5 A single text message has a limit of 160 standard characters. If you go over this, most devices will break the message into segments with a maximum length of 153 standard characters. You’re then charged your text message rate for each segment sent. Some character sets, such as non-English language keyboards as well as emojis and emoticons, have a 70 character limit per text message and 67 characters per segment. If your message contains special characters, such as emojis, your device may send it as a picture message, or as multiple text messages. If this happens, you’ll be charged for each of those text messages or picture messages. Some devices will also convert long text messages which only contain standard characters to picture messages and you will be charged accordingly.

7.6 You will be charged the applicable Charge for each separate message sent (e.g. TXT, PXT, etc).

7.7 Calls to 123 and any other service number for other Network Operators will be charged. Genuine calls to 111 are free.

8. On Account – Specific terms
8.1 Your rights to suspend or cancel Mobile Services:

You may temporarily suspend your On Account Mobile Service for a period of up to three months by calling Customer Services and giving us one month’s notice. There must be at least twelve months between the end of one suspension and the start of any further suspension. During the period of suspension you will not have access to the On Account Mobile Service.

If you are in the fixed period of your contract when you suspend your On Account Mobile Service, the fixed period will be automatically extended by the length of time your account was suspended.

A reduced minimum monthly plan charge will be payable during the suspension period. We will advise you what this charge will be when you request a suspension.

9. Definitions

Connection Pack – a mobile phone number and SIM card which will connect you to the One NZ network.

Mobile Services means the Prepay Services or On Account Services (including both mobile and mobile broadband services) you have with us.

On Account Services means the post paid Mobile or Mobile Broadband services and any related products and services that we provide to you.

SIM card means the subscriber identity module needed to operate your mobile device and through which you are connected to our network.

Pay Monthly Mobile Terms

Endless Data plans
Companion Plans
Small Starter Pay Monthly plan

Fair Use Policy

It is important to One NZ that all eligible Primo Mobile customers are able to access our services.
For this reason, and to ensure the provision of a quality service, a Fair Use Policy applies to some of our services.

Fair Use Policy

We may apply our Fair Use Policy where, in our reasonable opinion, your usage of our Services is excessive and/or unreasonable as detailed below.

We have developed our Fair Use Policy by reference to average customer profiles, estimated customer usage of our Services, and any relevant Data allowances.

If your usage of our Services materially exceeds the range of estimated use patterns or is likely to damage or negatively impact the operation of our network, we will consider your usage to be excessive and/or unreasonable. We may contact you to advise you that your usage is in breach of our Fair Use Policy, and request that you stop or alter your usage to come within our Fair Use Policy.

If your excessive or unreasonable usage continues after receipt of a request to stop or alter the nature of such usage, we may without further notice restrict, suspend or cancel your Services.

Primo Promotions Terms and Conditions

Competition Terms and Conditions

Standard Competition Terms

These Promotion or Competition Rules (‘the Rules’) apply to all Primo Promotions or Competitions (collectively ‘the Promotion’) conducted by means of any medium – radio, television, print, online, in store or telephone. The Rules may change from time to time.

If a particular Promotion has specific rules or terms those specific rules or terms will apply if there is any inconsistency with the rules.

Unless otherwise stated in the abovementioned specific rules or terms, registration, entry, or vote is limited to 1 per person. Where multiple registrations, entries or votes are acceptable, each must be made separately.

Entry into the Promotion is deemed to be acceptance of the Rules and confirmation that the entrant has the necessary authority (for example from the bill payer or owner of a telephone) to enter the Promotion.

The Promotion is open to Taranaki Residents only. Disqualified Participants may not enter in the promotion.

Primo reserves the right to exclude any person from participating in the Promotion on reasonable grounds.

Primo reserves the right to refuse to award any prize to an entrant who they decide (in its sole discretion) has violated the rules, gained unfair advantage in participating in the promotion or won using fraudulent means.

By participating, entrants grant Primo exclusive permission to use their names, characters, photographs, voices and likeness in connection with the Promotion and for future promotion and marketing purposes and waive any claims to royalty, right or remuneration for such use.

All entrant personal details must be valid and up to date and will be held by Primo and may be used for the purpose of the Promotion and for future promotion and marketing purposes in accordance with Primo’s Privacy Policy, unless otherwise directed by entrants at the time of entry.

When submitting entry via text, the telephone number from which the entry was made will be stored in a database. The participant has a two-business-day period from the time of entry to request removal from the database. If no request is made it is deemed acceptance that the information can be used at the discretion of Primo and/or any other company associated with the promotion.

Personal information provided at the time of entry is presumed to be true and, in the case of text or email notification – active, through to and beyond the date of the Promotion’s completion.

Where the Promotion involves texting, the following apply:

  • a. Any form of automated text message is invalid

  • b. Primo takes no responsibility for text costs incurred after the Promotion has closed as stipulated in the Promotion Terms and Conditions.


The ‘Promoter’ is PrimoWireless Ltd, trading as Primo.

‘Disqualified Participants’ are:
(a) all Primo employees, all employees of participating sponsors or promoters and/or design, advertising agencies and their immediate families.
(b) all people under the age of 18 years where the prize incorporates air travel, alcohol or any other element which would be illegal to supply to a person under the age of 18 years.
(c) ‘Immediate families’ include spouses, Parents, Children, and Grandchildren whether by marriage, past marriages, remarriage, adoption, co-habitation, or other family extension.

a PDF copy of our standard terms and conditions for our competitions and promotions is available to view or download, by clicking here

Primo It Forward Terms and Conditions

Primo It Forward Terms

1. Primo has established the Primo It Forward Facebook page to accept and administer nominations for providing three (3) families free internet for a year. This is Primo’s small way of helping out families in need.

2. To be eligible for Primo It Forward a person(s) family must have been nominated by a third Party (i.e. cannot nominate themselves) via our online form. A family may be nominated multiple times.

3. We recognise that families come in all shapes and sizes and have very different needs. Primo It Forward is aimed at those with children of School or Early Childhood Education age and where providing free internet is going to make a significant difference to their lives.

4. Primo is Taranaki’s locally owned and operated Internet Service Provider so the nominated family must also reside in Taranaki (the coverage area as determined by Primo).

5. Primo It Forward consists of;

  1. A 12-month broadband connection
    1. the type of connection and plan required will be determined in order of the following by the location of the family home.
      1. Wireless Unlimited
      2. UFB Starter 50/10 Unlimited
      3. VDSL unlimited
      4. FWA Urban/rural unlimited
    2. the 12 month period will start when the connection becomes ready for service.
    3. at the conclusion of 12 months the family may choose to disconnect and no disconnection fees apply; or continue on the same comparable plan at 50% of the advertised monthly plan charges for a further 12 months.
    4. if the family moves house during the first 12 month period;
      1. Primo will cover the connection/reconnection costs of one move within Taranaki. Note: Continuation of the free connection cannot be guaranteed as it will be subject to the new location.
      2. if moving out of Taranaki the connection may be terminated and is determined if UFB or VDSL is available.
    5. Home phone lines are not included.
  2. Free installation including wireless router – these remain the property of Primo
  3. Capped plans – when data limit is exceeded the speed is slowed down.

6. Nomination dates are advertised on our Primo It Forward Facebook page. Chosen families will be contacted within two weeks of closing.

7. The Judge’s determination of the chosen families will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

8. Primo It Forward cannot be refunded or exchanged for cash.

9. Only the nominated person(s) and their family can receive the free connection.

10. By accepting the Primo It Forward internet connection the chosen families give Primo exclusive permission to use their names and photographs in connection with Primo it Forward, now and in the future for promotion and marketing purposes and waive any claims to royalty, right or remuneration for such use. At Primo we respect the right to privacy, so if you would like us to keep your personal information confidential, then please let us know immediately upon entering into any agreement with us.

11. Primo it Forward must be claimed no later than 1 month after the announcement. If not claimed then the Judge’s will determine another family to take their place.

12. All standard Primo and competition terms and conditions apply.

Click here to view or download a PDF copy of our terms and conditions for our annual Primo it Forward.

SuperGold Card Terms and Conditions

SuperGold Card Terms

1. SuperGold Card 10% discount applies only to the standard advertised monthly plan charges for a 12 or 24 month residential broadband plan.

2. The offer excludes Fibre Starter plans, and does not apply when bundling Primo mobile with broadband.

3. This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other current Primo offer, such as Connect-a-mate or if made through one of our business partners.

4. The offer is available to all current or new customers who hold a SuperGold Card. To take advantage of this offer you must present your SuperGold Card in person at our office, or scan and email to

5. All standard Primo terms and conditions apply.

6. Offer is available until further notice, at the discretion of Primo.

Connect-a-Mate Terms and Conditions

Primo Connect-a-Mate

Simply get your Mates to sign up to Primo and once connected, we’ll add a $50 credit on both of your accounts.
It’s that easy – and there is no limit to the number of Mates you can refer.

1. We will credit your account with a $50 credit if you (the ‘referrer’) refer a new customer (the referred Mate’) to join Primo, there is no limit to the number of Mates you can refer, however we will only credit you if:

  1. the referred Mate is eligible to join and use the Primo Service based on coverage and availability; and
  2. the referred Mate is not already a customer of and has never been a customer of Primo; and
  3. the referred Mate quotes your Primo username during our sign up process over the phone; and
  4. your account has been active throughout the 30 days when the referred mates account is activated; and
  5. the referred Mates plan has been active for at least 30 days.

2. We reserve the right to deduct any account credits credited in relation to a referral if we, at any time, discover that any condition in clause 1 above has not been met.

3. You acknowledge that you can’t sign up to Primo Service on behalf of another individual.

4. We reserve the right to deduct from your account any credits credited to you in relation to a referral if the referred account is cancelled by us or by the referred Mate within 30 days of the date of the referred Mate joining.

5. You must not make any misleading statements about the Primo Service, or misrepresent to the person you refer.

6. There could be a few reasons why you have not received the $50 credit:

  1. if your Mate did not quote your username when they signed up to Primo. This cannot be rectified, as we have no record to show that you referred them. It is your responsibility to ensure that the people you refer give us your username correctly when they sign up to Primo.
  2. if your account has been suspended within the 30 days after your Mate has joined Primo;
  3. If your Mate’s Primo plan has not yet been active for 30 days;

7. The $50 credit is not redeemable for cash.

Mates-Rates Terms and Conditions


  1. We will upgrade your plan to the PrimoMassive $99 offer if you (the ‘referrer’) refer a new customer (the referred Mate’) who joins Primo. The referred Mate is also eligible for the PrimoMassive $99 plan or a $50 account credit.
  2. You (the ‘referrer’) can refer more than one mate to receive the special PrimoMassive $99 plan or $50 account credit.
  3. The special PrimoMassive $99 plan is for 12 months. At the end of the 12 month term, the plan will revert to the current advertised retail price, unless the PrimoMassive $99 offer has been extended by Primo. Early termination charges will apply if ended early.
  4. The PrimoMassive $99 plan will take effect from the first day of the next billing cycle after the activation of your mates account.
  5. We will only upgrade you if:
    1. the referred Mate is eligible to join and use the Primo Service based on coverage and availability; and
    2. the referred Mate is not already a customer of Primo; and
    3. the referred Mate gives us your details, like Primo Account number, name, address, or username during our sign up process (where applicable the Promo Code MATESRATES or PRIMOCONNECT); and
  6. We reserve the right to overturn the upgrade in relation to a referral if we, at any time, discover that any condition in clause 5 above has not been met.
  7. You acknowledge that you can’t sign up to a Primo Service on behalf of another individual.
  8. You must not make any misleading statements about the Primo Service, or misrepresent Primo to the person you refer.
  9. This special PrimoMassive $99 Mates Rates offer, cannot be used in conjunction with any other Primo promotional offers, including but not limited to $10 Mobile broadband bundle and SuperGold Card discounts.
  10. Primo reserves the right to end this Mates Rates promotion at any time and without notice.
  11. All standard Primo terms and conditions apply
  12. There could be a few reasons why you have not received the PrimoMassive $99 Upgrade:
    1. if your Mate did not give us enough details about you when they signed up to Primo. This cannot be rectified, as we have no record to show that you referred them. It is your responsibility to ensure that the people you refer give us your details correctly when they sign up to Primo.
    2. if your account has been suspended within the 30 days after your Mate has joined Primo;

Primo School-Link Terms and Conditions

Primo School-Link

When a school family sign’s up to Primo and gets connected,
the family will receive a $50 credit on their account plus we will donate $50 to the school.
The more families that connect, the more money the school receives. It’s that easy!

‘School family’ loosely includes relatives of a child(ren) enrolled in your school.
    1. We will donate $50 per school family connection to an account of the schools choosing, to be used by the school in any way it sees fit. The amount of donations is only limited by the number of school families of children enrolled at the school.  Donations will be deposited monthly (end of calendar month), if:
        1. the School family is eligible to join and use the Primo Service based on coverage and availability; and
        2. the school family is signing up to any one of our superfast 24-month broadband connections. Current customers with a connection at the time of the offer are excluded from the promotion; and
        3. the School family lets us know they are a family of your school when they first contact us, ie that they have seen our banner on your school newsletters.


    2. We reserve the right not to donate in relation to a connection if we, discover that any condition in clause 1 above has not been met.


    1. The Primo School-Link promotion is open for an initial period of three months, after which we may decide to end or continue for a further period.
        1. Donations to be made for families who signed up during the promotion period and who may still be awaiting connection as at the end date will continue to be paid as per clause 1.


    2. The School agrees that Primo reserves the right to use the Schools name and/or photos for marketing or promotional purposes. We would always come to you first and let you know what we were doing.


    1. Primo would love to hear from you about how our donations have been used and that our support is acknowledged.


PrimoWireless Ltd Privacy Policy.

PrimoWireless Limited (“Primo, our, we or us”) is committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy is to describe how we collect, use and protect your information when you visit our website and use our products and services.

The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which is accessible at unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection and Use

For a better experience while using our Service, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to your name, username, account number, phone number, and address. The information that we collect will be used to contact or identify you.

Log Data

We want to inform you that whenever you visit our Service, we collect information that your browser sends to us that is called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your computer's Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser version, pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, and other statistics.


Cookies are files with small amount of data that is commonly used an anonymous unique identifier. These are sent to your browser from the website that you visit and are stored on your computer's hard drive.

Our website may use these “cookies” to collection information and to improve our Service. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your computer. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Service.

Service Providers

We may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons:

  • To facilitate our Service;
  • To provide the Service on our behalf;
  • To perform Service-related services; or
  • To assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.

We want to inform our service users that these third parties have access to your Personal Information. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.


We value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Links to Other Sites

Our Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by us. Therefore, we strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal identifiable information from children under 13. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us so that we will be able to take necessary actions.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We advise you to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

© 2025 Primo. All rights reserved.